Labour GROUP amendment


Parking Permit Review


To add a recommendation 2.2 as show in bold italics below:


2.1      That the Committee agrees to amend the following permits as outlined in Appendix A

·      School Permit Eligibility and Permit Allocation

·      Trial Business Visitor Permits in Zone S and V

·      Hotel Permit Parking


2.2      That the Committee agree that the proposal for a checklist and survey for School Permits as detailed at Appendix A of the report be removed.



Proposed by: Cllr Appich                              Seconded by: Cllr Williams


Recommendations if carried to read:

2.1      That the Committee agrees to amend the following permits as outlined in Appendix A.

·         School Permit Eligibility and Permit Allocation

·         Trial Business Visitor Permits in Zone S and V

·         Hotel Permit Parking

2.2      That the Committee agree that the proposal for a checklist and survey for School Permits as detailed at Appendix A of the report be removed.